The urgency to act now is because if we don’t, I believe mankind will not be around 200 years from now;
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Lao-tzu……
…..and where we are heading is disastrous for our species and this greatest of all gifts from our creator; planet Earth. We are looking for pleasure in all the wrong places; as individuals, groups and societies. We have come to believe that if we gather enough “stuff”, we will feel great, we will be happier. Please don’t get me wrong, I am a businessman and I believe in hard work and rewards of your labor, good ideas, and taking chances to achieve great things. I want a better home and car and luxuries in life, but we must stop thinking that 3 luxury cars will make us 3 times happier than 1. One definition of cancer is hoarding more than what you need and depriving others around you from it. Again, I am not a socialist or communist, and I truly believe in the rewards of one’s achievements and hard work, but we have taken this to an extreme level in our society. Is it any surprise that in spite of having an average of 30 times more stuff and resources to use of our planet than majority of the world population, we are the nation most obese, with the highest rate of legal and illegal drug use in the world by far, and the highest rate of psychotic drugs being used in the world. Is there any doubt that something is wrong in the way we live?
The answer is in a simple realization; we are all connected, every single one of us. Every living organism on Earth is connected to everything else. We cannot hurt the person next door, or let a child starve in Africa, or conduct a war 12000 miles away, without causing strife to ourselves. The Israeli’s and Palestinians maybe sworn enemies who want to destroy each other, but they cannot do so without destroying themselves and the rest of us. We must change our thinking, or beliefs that more stuff will make us happier, and hurting someone else, somewhere else won’t affect us.
The problem with ignoring this situation is that we are headed towards destruction of our species and our beautiful planet, unless we change direction. The good news is that time has never been more perfect than now for us to bring about this change. Our ability to communicate with each other all over the world and come together for a single purpose has never been greater. We can save our world from every evil we face today, from runaway debt, to over consumption and pollution that is killing our environment, to the war and destruction we inflict upon each other. If you just believe in these two things that I mentioned, live everyday with these principles in mind, and join the cause of bringing this change in our world, we will make this world a beautiful paradise for our future generations.
To join this movement and to “Come together as 1” email us at, and do something wonderful for a living thing today, anything, no matter how small, for any living thing, but do it today and then every day from now on and watch the magical transformation of our beautiful world.
May God bless us all.